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Does playing outdoors make you feel happier or improve your Mental Health?

This week’s Wednesday assembly looked at environmental themes linked to wellbeing and playing outdoors, alongside a brief look at items in the news as usual and some current events.


We thought about the ways that interacting with others, playing together, fresh air and outdoors can all boost wellbeing.






We talked about sun safety top tips in anticipation of warmer summer weather and our outdoor focus.





You could watch this story at home to reinforce these. George The Sun Safe Superstar - Book Animation - YouTube



We also introduced our new Wet playtime boxes that will be in use from next week. These are a joint project with our School Council and PTFA and we discussed how we can look after these and also promote wellbeing, friendship and fun when the weather restricts our ability to play outdoors.  


Our children then voted to share their views on these questions.





Here is how children voted Nationally:


Feel free to continue the discussion at home:

