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Eco Club

This club is ran for different year groups so see the separate sections below for more information:

June 2023 - In eco club this week we have been learning about worms! We have been beginning to understand how important worms are for the soil and have created our own wormery so we can see them at work.

April 2023 - In eco club last week we went outside with our litter pickers to help tidy up our school playground. We collected lots of rubbish and talked about why we shouldn't throw litter on the floor. The children also had lots of fun using the litter pickers.

Eco Club for Year 1 and Year 2

At Eco Club we are learning about how to care for our local environment both in school and the wider community. We are exploring different ways to live sustainably and how to Reduce waste, Reuse materials and Recycle.



We have lots of fun and get outside to explore nature and our school grounds.


Mrs Dodd,  Dave ( Mr Condliffe) and Summer (who is working for her Duke of Edinburgh award at Excel Academy) lead our group.



We would love you to join us at Eco club, please ask Mrs Dodd or the Office for more information.



Tuesday 2nd November 2021

In eco club this week we have learnt about the importance of trees.

Dave Condliffe visited us and brought with him some baby fir trees for us to plant and look after.

We have taken them home and will need to water them and keep them outside.

Fir trees can live to be hundreds of years old and will grow very tall!

We also scattered some bluebells seeds around the trees at school and enjoyed doing some bark rubbings on the silver birch trees.

We had a great time!
