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Maths Challenge at Haywood Academy 22nd January 2020

On Wednesday 22nd January, 7 year 6 pupils went to Haywood Academy to take part in a Maths Challenge against three other schools.  During the first hour we talked about ratios which had a resemblance to fractions.  In the second hour we had a shape sheet where we had to find out which shape matched the right number.  We also had a code cracking sheet and a ratio sheet. At the end of the lesson we all competed in a challenge against other teams which had 12 questions.  Miss Masters came out victors with 21 points.  You had to get the questions right the first time for 2 points and 1 point for getting it right after the first try.

Written by Tina and Liam


The Maths Challenge work sheets are attached if you would like to have a go!
