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Miss Ashley's Highlights

Miss Ashley’s Assemblies revolve around sharing a story book, discussing the themes, issues and useful strategies.


There are opportunities for personal and collective reflection and a follow up task or challenge.

In the first half of the Autumn Term Miss Ashley’s assemblies aimed to support children’s mental and emotional well being this half term and our school value of Resilience as we settle back into school this autumn term.



Stories and books shared have included:



Miss Ashley has also shared the story- 'Troll Stinks' which has a focus on internet safety.

In the second half of the Autumn term, we revisited our outstanding learning behaviours and making links to our school values of independence, ambition & self-belief.


In the whole school assembly on Monday, we thought about what makes a good learner. We explored attitudes and behaviours we can develop that can make a difference to our learning.

This Summer term we are having a focus on friendship and kindness. In the whole school assembly on Monday, we thought about what makes a good friend and how simple acts of kindness can make a huge difference.


Miss Ashley shared the book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charles Mackesy.






We then developed a Kindness board in every classroom to celebrate acts of kindness.




Follow the link below to see the displays across the school that reflect a positive contribution we can all make to those around us.
