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Should Supermarkets warn us about Shrinkflation?

This week’s Wednesday assembly was linked to two themes alongside current affairs and items in the news. We looked at the idea of rising living costs and also shrinkflation, discussing the challenges that come from these sensitively with the children.






The children voted as to what they thought about this question.



This is how our children voted:


This is how children voted Nationally:



Continue the conversation:


We also launched our October harvest theme, promoting opportunities to make a positive contribution with our Stoke-on-Trent Food Bank Donation Appeal. We also watched a short video to understand the work of this important local charity.


As a school we are again collecting donations for Foodbank from Monday 9th October up to Wednesday 18th October which will be our Harvest assembly in school. If you are able to contribute, then please send in a food donation with your child and they will receive Dojo reward points and a certificate for their Personal Development Folder.


These are the foods that the Foodbank are looking for this year, but all donations are welcome.


Additional support available on this theme:

