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Physical Education

At New Ford Academy our vision for Physical Education and Sport is that every child should have the opportunity to take part in physical activity on a regular basis and become more physically confident and competent. We hope that, through all the sporting opportunities and physical activity we offer, the children will potentially develop a love and passion for sport and continue this into their later lives. 


We aim to provide the children with a minimum of an hour of fun, exciting and active PE lessons every week to keep the children healthy and active every day with at least 30 minutes of high quality physical activity a day and by educating them on a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle.

The Government recommend that primary aged children are physically active for at least 60 minutes every day. In order to encourage this, we facilitate active playtimes and lunchtimes. At New Ford Academy, our children can continue to play sports at play times and lunchtimes, they can also play active playground games such as ‘follow the leader’ and ‘James Bond’. New Ford Academy also offer a wide range of before, lunch and after school clubs.
