Welcome to the Trustees’ section of our website where you can find out more about us.
New Ford is a Single Academy Trust and we operate under the company name of The Lighthouse Trust.
We have three Members that form the leadership of our Lighthouse Trust.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Trustee in the documents below.
Trust Members:
David Dickinson
Michael Chadwick
Sue Machin
Emma Ford - Head Teacher
David Dickinson (Chair)
Karen Whitmore (Vice Chair)
Steven Beattie
Michelle Street
Steven Goldstraw
Charlotte Emery
Amy Marshall
Leadership & Management Committee
David Dickinson (Chair of committee)
Emma Ford - Head Teacher/Accounting Officer
Paul Dale- Business & Operations Manager/Chief Financial Officer
Karen Whitmore
Steven Goldstraw
Attainment, Progress, Teaching & Curriculum Committee
Karen Whitmore (Chair of committee)
David Dickinson
Emma Ford - Head Teacher
Personal Development Committee
Emma Ford - Head Teacher
Michelle Street
Steven Beattie