Religious Education
Here at New Ford we teach a broad and rich curriculum of which Religious Education is an important part.
Religious Education provides rich opportunities for children and young people to learn about things that matter in the lives of local people and the wider world.
At New Ford RE we encourage a thoughtful approach to RE, asking questions and make important links with our School Values and British values to lay firm foundations, so that our pupils grow in understanding of themselves and the world in which they live, preparing them for life in Britain today.
We follow the Stoke on Trent Agreed Syllabus which enables pupils to study beliefs, teachings and ways of living, and is structured so that they can explore a range of responses to questions of identity, meaning, purpose, values and commitments. In the process they can examine and reflect upon their own ideas and values. At a time when religious beliefs guide the lives of billions of people worldwide, understanding people’s views can be a first step to recognising and appreciating diversity.
We have implemented and designed our RE Curriculum so that it fulfils the Local Agreed Syllabus, but is also personalised to our school and the needs of our children. We adopt a creative, challenging and reflective approach to Religious Education to promote personal development and include enrichment opportunities to make learning memorable and a valuable part of their overall education.
Click on the links below to find out more about this subject.