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Term Dates/School Opening Times

Term Dates  2024/2025

Autumn 2024

  Tuesday 24th September Flu Vaccinations      

 Wednesday 9th October : Whole school photographs

Tuesday 15th October : Y6 Standon Bowers Parents Meeting after school

Monday 21st October : Nursery Disco: 4.00-4.45pm
                                           Year 3 Disco: 4.45-5.45pm

Tuesday 22nd October : Reception Disco : 4.00-4.45pm
                                            Year 4 Disco : 4.45-5.45pm

Wednesday 23rd October : Year 1 Disco : 4.00-4.45pm
                                                  Year 5 Disco : 4.45-5.45pm

Thursday 24th October : Year 2 Disco : 4.00-4.45pm
                                             Year 6 Disco : 4.45-5.45pm
Thursday 31st October :  High School Application Deadline


Half Term : School closes : Friday 25th October

School opens : Tuesday 5th November

Friday 15th November : Children In Need Day

Y6 Standon Bowers Residential : Monday 18th November to Friday 22nd November Wednesday 4th December : Christmas Fayre after school

Monday 16th December: ‘Carols around the Tree’—Y3

Tuesday 17th December: Nursery Christmas Play  - 9.30am
                                              Year 1 Christmas Play  -  1.30pm
                                              Year 2 Christmas Play  -  2.30pm
                                             ‘Carols around the Tree’—Y4  - 3.30pm

Wednesday 18th December: Nursery Christmas Play  -  9.30am
                                                    Reception Christmas Play - 1.30pm
                                                    Year 1 Christmas Play -2.30pm
                                                     ‘Carols around the Tree’ -Y5-3.30pm

Thursday 19th December : Reception Christmas Play -9.30am
                                                ‘Carols around the Tree’ -Y6 –3.30pm
                                                 Christmas Dinner Day
Friday 20th December :   Christmas Jumper Day
                                               Christmas Party Day
                                               Data Reports to be sent home

School closes : Friday 20th December


Spring 2025

School opens : Monday 6th January

Tuesday 7th January : New Vic Theatre Visit (Y1 to Y6)

Thursday 30th January : Parents Evening -3.40pm-7.30pm

Monday 10th February : Nursery Disco: 
                                             Year 3 Disco:

Tuesday 11th February : Reception Disco : 
                                             Year 4 Disco : 

Wednesday 12th February : Year 1 Disco : 
                                                   Year 5 Disco : 

Thursday 13th February : Year 2 Disco : 
                                               Year 6 Disco : 

Half Term: School closes Friday 14th February

School opens Monday 24th February

Thursday 6th March : World Book Day

Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd April : Drama Production

Wednesday 9th April : Easter Parade

School closes : Friday 11th April

Summer Term 2025

School opens : Monday 28th April

Friday 2nd May: Data reports to go home

May Day Bank Holiday : Monday 5th May

w/c 12th May : SATS week  -  Year 6

Wednesday 20th May: Year 6 Leavers’ Photos

Wednesday 21st May : Summer Fayre

Half term: school closes : Friday 23rd May

School  opens : Tuesday 3rd June

Friday 4th July:  Reports to go home

Monday 7th July : Nursery and Y6 Sports Day
                                 Nursery transition to Reception Parents meeting  - 3.40pm
                                 Y6 Celebration of Learning Event

Tuesday 8th July: Y1 and Reception Sports Day
                                 1 and Y2 parent information meeting- 3.40pm


 Wednesday 9th July: Y2 and Y3 Sports Day
                                        Y2 and Y3 parent Information Meeting - 3.40pm

Thursday 10th July : Y4 and Y5 Sports Day
                                      Y6 and Y6 Parent Information Meeting- 3.40pm

Monday 14th July : EYFS Disco :   tbc
                                    Year 3 Disco:  tbc

Tuesday 15th July : Year 1 Disco :   tbc
                                    Year 5 Disco :   tbc

Wednesday 16th July : Year 2 Disco :  tbc
                                          Year 4 Disco :  tbc

Thursday 17th July: Leavers’ Meal (Y6) 4-6pm

Thursday 17th July: Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly 9.20am

School closes : Friday 18th July

(If any of these dates change/are cancelled we will notify you as soon as possible)





Our Nursery day starts at 8.50am and finishes at 12pm - (3.10 hours)

(unless you book an afternoon session, therefore the finish time is 3.20pm) (31.5 hours)



Our reception class day starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.20pm

(31.5 hours)


Year 1 - Year 6

The day for all other classes starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.30pm

(32 hours)

Please also see the Calendar in the Parents section of our Website:



