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5th June D Day & Environment Day

As part of whole school assemblies and class assemblies we pick out National and significant theme days, seasonal celebrations and marking both historical and cultural events. We link these to our school & British Values.


Examples include celebrating the 80th Anniversary of D Day in 2024. We learned about these important historic events and how they shaped the world we live in Today and the importance of working together to achieve lasting peace.




D Day 80th Anniversary

Still image for this video

Reflection about Peace

Still image for this video


We also thought about World Environment Day on 5th June. We learned how it is celebrated by over 150 different countries each year. This year’s theme looks at how we can stop our land from getting too dry and damaged.



We discussed world environmental problems and actions as well as thinking about how individuals can all do a little bit that can help the environment and care for pour planet – each little bit adding up to make a difference now and for the future.




Our children then voted to share their views about whether they think remembering themed days such as these are important and why to a difference to the world Today.
