Clubs in the Community
Clubs Out of School
As well as recognising the value of the extra curricular clubs we provide at school, we also work closely with the local community to ensure children and parents are aware of the additional opportunities available to them. These clubs help to prepare the children for their adults lives and help them to engage with the wider society.
Children are actively encouraged to share any achievements from these clubs with their peers and copies of any certificates or awards are placed into their individual Personal Development folders.
Click on the PDF below to find out about other clubs that are available locally that can support our children's Personal Development.
A Community Club Example:
51st Smallthorne Scout group currently have spaces in their Beaver scouts for boys and girls aged 6-8. The Beavers meet on Monday’s at 5:45-6:45pm
If parents and carers would like more information they can contact Donna on 01782 213865.