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Have Christmas Adverts lost some of their magic?

This week’s Wednesday’s assembly focused on Christmas and the Nativity story, alongside a brief looked at other events that have been in the news recently.


We made links to school and universal values of love, goodness and kindness at Christmas time.  We also thought about things people might do together at Christmas time and how this can add to the magic of the season from decorations, making things, Christmas food & watching films together.



We also discussed TV Adverts being a part of the countdown to Christmas in the UK. We all may have a favourite Christmas advert, but some in 2023 & 2024 were met with mixed opinions regarding balancing a Christmas message and selling products.



So our children thought about and voted in relation to this question:



This is how our children voted:


This is how children voted Nationally:


Feel free to continue the conversation at home.
