Historic City Careers Project
In 2022, we were asked to be a part of a city Careers Project and here is some of the feedback of the impact so far in school.
What has changed in your offer for careers related learning and employer since starting the project activities?
- Since beginning the project in September we have spoken to all staff with regards to trips. All classes now interview the trip lead and ask career related questions about their job. They then return to school and complete a trip evaluation form and state whether they would like to work at the location visited.
- Year 5 worked on a Rymans Stationary project and are entered into a competition in February.
- The PSHE scheme has been developed with a huge careers link.
- Teachers are inviting more people into their classrooms to make curriculum links. E.g. D&T objective on food safety – They had the head cook come in to speak to the class with the chance to ask her questions.
- The Academy Council are trained to help them become confident public speakers.
- A huge whole school careers display was designed by the environmental coordinator.
How is this impacting on your students?
- More career related talk amongst the older children, especially after a trip.
- Children are becoming more aware of career options and are wanting to ask visitors and trip leads questions.
- Children are now asking when they are going to be having visitors in their class.
- After the Ryman challenge, the children were telling teachers that this was the best day that they had ever had. The excitement in them was amazing to see.
What impact do you feel you are having on the following areas?
Linking careers to the curriculum
- All staff are now very aware of the importance of career awareness and from book monitoring- it is evident in some books.
Careers and labour market information
- We have a Career stand in the Autumn Parents evening.
- We had a highly successful careers day where we invited a range of guest speakers into school to showcase their chosen career path. The visitors ranged from a Judge to a travel agent.
Increasing the number of employee encounters in school with a careers link.
- We launched a series of career-based assemblies as of the Spring term 2020 and had several visits before COVID Lockdown.
Increasing the number of employer encounters outside of school with a careers link.
- School trips now have a new careers slant within them which has never been the case before. They also return to school and discuss not only what they have learned but if working there when they are older could be an option or aspiration for them.