Home Work
Welcome to our Year 1 homework page!
Each half term the children will be given the choice of six different homework tasks. These will be sent home in their homework books. The expectation is that they choose at least four of the activities throughout the half term and these can be done at any point throughout the half term. You might choose to do one activity a week, or a couple of the activities over a weekend, the choice is yours! We ask that when your child has completed an activity, could they please bring it into school so we are able to share what they have completed with their friends! This might be in their homework books, a model or a photograph etc. depending on the activity.
Each week we also ask if children could read at least 3 times per week, just a page or two and a quick discussion about the characters, plot and story, to help the development of their reading skills. We will also be sending home personalised spellings for your children to practice at home and as these spellings are achieved we will send out new ones.