KS1: “Is it easy to talk about your feelings?” KS2: “Would you feel comfortable having a conversation about your mental health?”
This week’s Wednesday assembly looked at mental health awareness and time to talk day, alongside a brief look at items in the news as usual and some current events. We thought about the importance of looking after our Mental health as well as our Physical health. We discussed strategies that we can use to minimise winter blues.
We also explored a range of different feelings we can all have at times. We thought about how it can be good to talk to others sometimes about the way we feel to help us deal with and process our feelings. We thought about who we feel able to talk to and how we can also use worry monsters to share our concerns in school and other ways to express how we feel.
Our children then voted to share their views on their questions.
This how children voted Nationally on this topic:
Feel free to continue the discussions at home: