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SEPTEMBER 2024 Year 1 have been learning all about the abstract artist Kandinsky. The children have enjoyed making a clay pot using their rolling, cutting and coiling skills, based on Kandinsky's abstract style of work.

September 2024 - Year 1 are learning about the artist Paul Klee. The children have been exploring different mark making techniques with the aim to produce Klee style art work. Today they did marble rolling to create his famous line based work as well as replicating his Castles piece. Ask them what they know about this abstract artist!

October 2023 - We are artists! Look at our amazing art inspired by Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee. This week we have been learning about abstract art. We have talked about the meaning of this and how it means that we can see different things when looking at the artwork. We have used paint to create pictures in the style of these artists; listening to music to inspire us and using bright and dull colours.

Art and History - 9/10/23 - This week we are learning about things that have happened in the past. We have been learning about Stoke On Trent and the famous pot banks. We found out that we can make cups, pots and jugs using clay found in the ground. We have used our art skills and sculpted our own clay shapes and pots using tools and techniques to mould the clay.

For our art learning in the autumn term, children in Year 3 were working on creating their own piece of artwork based on Ancient Egyptian culture. Children produced their own Egyptian Pharaoh portrait with a focus on facial expressions. We experimented using various shading techniques such as hatching, stippling and ink wash to create texture. Here are some photographs of our finished pieces below!

November 2022 - Art Technique Painting . As part of our maths learning about shapes, Reception have been learning about the artist Kandinsky. We have talked about how shapes are all around us and that Kandinsky used bright colours and shapes in his work. The children carefully chose different colours to create their work inspired by Kandinsky. They look amazing!

November 2022 - Nursery have been enjoying the story 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell. We have linked many of our learning activities to this text, and the children have produced some wonderful artwork and drawings using different media. We have drawn owls and the tree where the owl babies live. Children talked about the different features of the owls and the tree that they had recorded in their drawings.

October 2022 - Art Technique This week we have been practising our rolling and pressing technique when creating our own Diva Lamps using clay. We have been learning about the Diwali story and talking about this special festival for the Hindu religion.

October 2022 - In Reception, we have been learning about Autumn. We have been using the art techniques stamping and rubbing to create our own autumn pictures.

May 2022 - In calm colouring club this week the children have enjoyed making a beach scene. We listened to some calming beach music and talked about our favourite things when we visit the seaside.

Our Nursery children have enjoyed using a variety of art skills during our whole school art day.


We produced images of the cherry blossom tree in our outdoor area, inspired by the work of the artist David Hockney. Our first study was linked to Springtime. 

We studied the form, colours and textures of the tree during this season, then produced our art work using different media -  pastels, pencil crayons, wax crayons and paint.   


We will make further studies of the tree during Summer, and record how it has changed, using our art skills.

Year 2 Art Enrichment Activity - For our whole school Art afternoon, we have observed the work of the artist David Hockney.

The children focused on the contrast of winter and spring colours. They looked at his work and the vibrant colours that he used. They used a mixture of media including pastels and paint and focused on the stamping technique by using sponge and the ends of paintbrushes. 

Year 5 Art Enrichment Activity - For our whole school Art afternoon, we have observed the work of the artist David Hockney.


We have observed the work of the artist David Hockney, in particular his masterpieces of the same landscape during different seasons. We then recreated a landscape from our school grounds in the style of David Hackney using the art techniques we have learnt so far this year  mark making, printing and overprinting.

We have had a great time during our whole school art day. The children in reception have created a picture of a blossom tree in the style of artist, David Hockney. The children observed the cherry blossom tree in our outdoor area, drew it first with pencil and then carefully chose what media they wanted to use to decorate their picture. The children talked about what the tree looks like now in the Spring and how it might look different in the Summer term.

As part of our art day in the Poppies we have made an observational drawing of the cherry tree in our outdoor area. We talked about the different parts of the tree and looked carefully at the features we could see. We then all drew our outline in pencil. Children then chose media to enhance their pencil drawing and added paint, chalk, felt tips, crayons and tissue paper to create different textures on their designs".

Year 1 Art Day

Remembrance Day - 11th November


The Nursery children learned about Remembrance Day, and produced a beautiful piece of collaborative artwork to commemorate the day.  We used different media, including collage, paint, and printing techniques to produce a scene of terraced houses, with a sunset sky, and poppies scattered throughout the picture.  

Leaf Printing

During our learning about seasonal change, the Nursery children collected and used a variety of Autumnal and natural produce to produce prints with a variety of paint colours.  We had a wonderful time exploring the different textures and getting messy, whilst we produced our artwork.

The children have been learning about shapes in a Reception this week. They have been using their shape knowledge to create art work inspired by Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee.

The children have made links with these artists to give them an understanding of their work ready for when the children go into Key Stage one where they will learn about these artists in more detail.

In Art Club, we enjoy looking at the many styles of art, learning different art skills and using various types of media.  We practise and build up our skills and confidence working towards producing our own fantastic masterpieces!

In Art, for our Anglo-Saxon topic, we have been studying Anglo-Saxon artwork. From this, we have created our very own Anglo-Saxon print designs. Here are some photographs of our masterpieces!

In Reception, we have been learning about the text, Handa’s Surprise. We have compared the climate in Africa and discussed how it is similar and different to where we live in England. We have then created our own African sunset painting; discussing what colours we could use, creating a wash for the background. We then talked about what the animals would look like when in front of the sun and chose the correct colour to create a silhouette.
