Maths Rock Stars
We all know that learning the Times Tables is an important part of Maths and the building blocks that underpin so much of both Mental Maths and the wider maths skills with direct links to fractions and much more.
Times Tables are also tested Nationally at the end of Year 4 because they are considered to be such a vital Numeracy Skill.
Here at New Ford we are taking an engaging and additional approach to support and encourage our children in learning their tables facts called Times Tables Rocks.
TT Rock Stars is an exciting and interactive way of engaging children whilst encouraging them to learn their times table and division facts.
Children have their own username and password so it means that they can quite easily play at home on any digital device! Children create their own rock star avator and rock star name.
The more they play, the more coins children can earn. More coins mean that children can 'spend' their earnings in the online shop to make their very own individual rock star even more cool.
Each week, children are tested on the times tables that they are working on. The aim of these sessions is to not only improve your child’s ability to recall their facts, but also to improve the speed with which they recall them.
Each week, tournaments will take place which will enable classes, and even year groups, to compete against each other the rapid recall of table facts and can win certificates and peer admiration for being one of the best in the group competitions.
The top three rock stars will be displayed on our weekly TT Rock Stars wall of fame on this page and they will each receive a certificate celebrating their achievements.
The children have absolutely loved it and it is really improving their times table/ division facts.
If your child hasn't received their username and password yet, they will be receiving theirs over the next couple of weeks.