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Online Safety

As an Academy, online safety is a key priority and it is embedded within our whole school ethos. We see it as a golden thread through the curriculum and we ensure that it is at the forefront of our children's minds when accessing online material. We strongly encourage the use of technology and we want our children to be masters in computing. However, it is our mission to ensure that children are aware of the dangers of inappropriate content, contact and conduct from technology. We aim for our children to be the thoughtful digital citizens of the future leaving a positive digital footprint along the way. 




It is essential that all stake-holders in the school recognise that online safety is a collective responsibility for us all. We provide parent workshops, deliver regular dedicated assemblies, teach online safety progressively within computing sessions and regularly provide training for our staff.


We have a dedicated online safety area on our website full of support and advice for parents to address this challenging area. This is updated accordingly with the latest support available and an option to contact our designated safeguarding lead.


Please follow the link below to locate this area:


