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Parents as Partners

Education is a partnership between home and school 


A child learns from the moment of birth, not just the time he or she starts school.   They learn from experiences within a family and then from the wider social settings, such as Parent and Toddler Groups, Playgroups and Nursery.   Children acquire a wealth of learning experiences.   This helps them to develop socially, emotionally, creatively, physically and academically.   Here at New Ford Academy, we know that parents and carers are children`s first educators, and are valued as such.   When parents, carers and staff work together, the results have a positive impact on a child`s development and learning.   A successful partnership needs a two-way flow of information, knowledge and expertise.    


There are many ways of achieving partnership with parents and carers, but the following are ways we feel are most useful:- 


  • Staff, parents and carers show mutual respect and understanding for the role of the partnership in the child`s education. 
  • Staff value parents and carers` views of their child`s development, and any concerns they have. 
  • Arrangements for settling in are flexible enough to give time for children to become secure.  Staff, parents and carers discuss each child`s circumstances, interests, skills and needs. 
  • All parents and carers are made to feel welcome, valued and necessary.  Parents and carers are encouraged to support the learning opportunities provided by the school and those activities to be done at home, including reading. 
  • Parents and carers are kept fully informed about their child`s learning, progress and achievements. There is a formal meeting each term at which the practitioners, parents and carers discuss the children`s progress.  Any concerns are shared and discussed. Parents and carers receive a report on their child`s attainment and progress at the end of each school year.  
  • The digital ‘Learning Book’ is used to capture and celebrate some of the children’s achievements and learning experiences. Parents and carers are able to view, comment on and contribute to their child’s Learning Book.   
  • Opportunities are available throughout the year, to attend workshops that offer tips and advice on how parents can support their child’s learning at home. 
  • ‘Stay and Play’ sessions are hosted for all parents and children in the EYFS, so that they can share some of the learning experiences that take place throughout the year.  
  • Curriculum information is posted on our school website, that outlines learning activities for each year group. 
  • Other lines of communication are available via the school website, weekly newsletters, text messaging, twitter and the mobile phone app. 