Pupil Voice
At New Ford, we give our children a range of experiences which sow into building our children's ambition for the future.
We have a Money Matters Day and Careers Day in the summer term and this is what some of our children have said in response to our visitors and planting ideas for future careers and voluntary work too:
Year 5
Rejoice - I was interested when Beth said she used her languages to talk to people in work.
Lilly - I enjoyed learning new words from the Haywood high school teacher.
Archie - I enjoyed everyone wanted to share their career and told us everything about it and gave it something to think about for our future. I liked the animals on Dave's videos and him showing us him feeding wild animals.
Jason - I liked Grandad Dave showing us pictures of birds and telling us about them and about his forest. I liked the judge showing us what to wear in court and that he would wear shorts when it was hot. I liked hearing about him sending people to jail for life.
Alesia - I like the debate with had with Judge Dave and I liked him showing us what he would wear in court.
Poppy - I liked the video of Jenny Hesketh and telling us about playing on boys teams but now she plays on a girls team.
Louis- I loved seeing how funny the animals were with Grandad Dave, I loved learning about Jenny transforming from an average child to an international rugby player.
Vnesa - I liked Beth telling us about the languages she had learned.
Year 4
As requested I asked my children at the end of the day how they found the day, what they enjoyed or would like to have been done differently.
Cooper: "I really enjoyed Dave's talk about nature because I found it interesting and I learnt so many new things. He showed us different pictures, video and we even got to see his live stream!"
Lira: "I found Judge Dave most enjoyable because I have always wanted to know the different jobs roles in a courtroom. He even showed us his costume and wig! I was surprised to find out it was made of horse hair and how expensive it is"
Year 2
Averlee: I enjoyed the art session and I really want to do a job in Art when I am older.
Leo: I want to be a travel agent when I am older! I enjoyed looking at the currency and I went to send people to exciting places.
Cody: The science was the best! I enjoyed making snow and love doing experiments.
Hanna: I liked ‘ Grandad Dave’s session because I love nature and caring for animals. I know my passion is nature for the future.