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RE Topic 20th March 2024

In Year 4 this Spring term we have been looking in RE at Christian beliefs about Easter and traditions around the world.  


We had a special WOW morning to gain first hand of some of these Easter Traditions and reinforced religious symbols.


We tasted Hot Cross Buns  and thought about what these remind Christians of.



We also designed our own Easter Eggs scratch craft with a combination of religious & non-religious symbols to make a repeating pattern linked to our Art Curriculum.

We decorated eggs to hang on trees to experience the German tradition.


Some of us worked as a group to build Easter Wreaths for our class display using paper plates and other Easter Symbols.

Our Wow day also made links to our School Easter Competition and parade that was made that day.


At the end of our Wow lesson we reflected on how to answer our BIG RE Question.


