Reflections & Aspirations
Our Drumming workshop
Our Music Lead and Pupil Premium Lead organised an African drumming workshop for Both Year 1 and Year 4. This multicultural experience linked with their studies in Geography as well as bringing rhythm and pattern to life within their music curriculum as a grand finale to their respective year group skills.
The Year One pupils had big smiles on their faces and were able to make a lot of musical noise!
Our Reflections & Memories
During the last two days, our classes were invited to pause and have a special class circle time about what they have enjoyed this year in & out of school and what they are looking forward to next year.
Our pupils reflected upon the year, and what they think their next steps would be and how they would like to achieve this. For example if they have a love of music and would like to begin learning an instrument, they can be signposted to begin learning music lessons with Music for Life at school.
Some chose to complete a reflections & memories sheet. This was drawn or written or decorated and was a perfect opportunity to capture highlights from our Careers & Money Day too! These sheets were inserted into their PD folders inside their certificate pocket as a reminder of their thoughts and highlights.
The children also completed their Personal Development Folder with any extra bits ready to pass up to the next teacher.
Our Show & Tell / Celebrate Talents Opportunity
Our class teachers were encouraged to talk about and celebrate what some of our pupils have enjoyed, achieved, experienced outside of school. Our pupils were able to share their own talents and interests in class with a class celebration. It was fantastic to see the range of talents and different hobbies some of our pupils enjoy.
Some chose to keep this as a simple discussion with children sharing in the moment e.g. telling others I go to taekwondo and demo a move in the moment, whilst others had a mini talent show before their end of year class party with fun games as a special finale to the year.