Science Wow Days
In Science, we value and prioritise hands on learning. As part of this ethos, the children engage in a number of different WOW days and enrichment activities to foster and maintain a love of Science. Here are some of our highlights:
Nursery – The Natural World
Ice Investigation
The children in Nursery have been exploring the wintery weather. Outside, they discovered lots of snow and ice which they have been observing. From their observations they conducted a Science investigation and submerged natural objects into a bowl of water and placed the bowl of water outside overnight. The next morning, the water had frozen and turned to ice! They had lots of fun observing the changes and trying to free the objects from the ice. When they brought the bowl inside the warm classroom, the heat melted the ice.
Reception – The Natural World
Observing Overtime Investigation
As part of their work on the text ‘Oliver's Vegetables’, the children in Reception have been working with our Science dogs Enquiry Eleanor and Eli to make observations. They were observing different vegetables to see what changes occurred overtime. They have also planted cress to see if would grow better in soil or cotton wool!
Year 2 – Living Things and Their Habitats
Dissecting owl pellets
During their Science lesson, the Year 2 children used different equipment to dissect owl pellets. Using magnifying glasses and a bone classification key, they were able to identify which animals had been eaten by the owls the pellets came from. The children found skulls, ribs, teeth and lots of other bones from mice, rats, shrews, voles and birds.
Year 5 - Living Things and Their Habitats
Dissecting a Flower
In Science, Year 5 delved into the world of plant reproduction. On their WOW Day, the children observed and dissected lilies to truly identify the different parts of a flower and their role in plant reproduction.