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Stoke Food Bank


Here at New Ford we support the local Food Bank by collecting food donations as part of our celebration of Harvest.


Harvest Celebrations 2024

Harvest Celebrations 2023


In 2022 we again supported Stoke on Trent Food bank with our Harvest Celebrations.  Our Harvest Assembly was led by Father Andrew in school to launch our two weeks of collecting food to help support families in Stoke-on-Trent. Thank you so for all your donations.




In 2021, We again supported Stoke Foodbank as part of out Harvest celebrations and we also had a special assembly led by Father Andrew on the 13th October 2021.


We are encouraged all those who could to bring in donations and we can achieved  our second biggest total of food yet!

For our Harvest Appeal in 2020 we wanted to support the Food Bank once again, but needed to do things a little different this year.



As we are currently keeping items that come into school to a minimum in line with our Covid Safety Measures, in 2020 we did not be bring our food donations into school. Those who wished to take part could instead donate direct at their supermarket or a local collection point.



Morrison's, Tesco and Sainsbury's for example have donation points easily accessible by the doors . Morrison's have also got bags made up for just over a £1 to help people to donate more easily.



The children will be having a Giving and Harvest themed assembly on Wednesday 7th October and be encouraged if possible to make a donation to the Stoke Food Bank as an opportunity to make a positive contribution to others.


Children will receive team points for making their donations if they let their teacher know they have taken part and this act of generosity can be recorded in their Personal Development Folders in school.


Finally a big thank you in advance to all of you who do take part  in our harvest  appeal this year.


In 2019 we achieved our biggest donation so far in 2019 of 203 KG as part of our Harvest Festival Celebration.
