Children's Work
Our children enjoy developing their Skills in RE in a variety of ways. Here are some examples of children’s work in RE across the school.
Here are some more examples of children’s RE work in Year 1 Linked to Islam.
Here are some more examples of children’s RE work in Year 2 linked to Christmas:
Here are some more examples of children’s RE work in Year 2 linked to the Jewish Faith:
Here are some more examples of children’s RE work in Year 2 linked to Easter
Here are some more examples of children’s RE work in Year 3
Here are some more examples of children’s RE work in Year 4
Here are some more examples of children’s RE work in Year 5 linked to the Muslim Faith:
Here are some more examples of children’s RE work in Year 5 linked to Christmas:
Here are some more examples of children’s RE work in Year 5 linked to the Jewish Faith:
Here are some more examples of children’s RE work in Year 6 linked to Creation V Science: