Home Work
Year 3 children will be expected to complete homework online using a website called Purple Mash. Each week, children will be expected to complete a piece of English homework and a piece of Maths homework using the software. Each child has been given a username and a password which has been attached to the front of their reading logs. Children have also been taught how to access, how to complete and how to submit homework. Homework will be available to complete every Friday and needs to be submitted by the following Friday.
Alongside Purple Mash, the children are also expected to practise their times tables. They can access TT Rock Stars from home and again each child has been given a username and password which is also attached to the front cover of their reading logs.
In addition to the weekly homework tasks, we will continue to be set OPTIONAL topic homework . We know that the children enjoy completing these activities which is why we will continue to provide them each half term. If your child has completed a task, they can bring it into school to be marked. It will then be placed into their homework files which stay in their school trays.
Please follow the link below to access TT Rock Stars:-
Please follow the following link:-