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Space Club

5th February 2025 - As space missions began to last longer than just a quick trip out of the atmosphere it meant that food was needed that was lightweight and could last along time. Thank you to Senna for treating his space class mates to taste test some freeze-dried strawberry ice cream space food.

29th January 2025 - Space craft design is a process where system engineering principles are systematically applied in order to construct complex vehicles for missions involving travel, operation or exploration in outer space. Last week in space club the children designed some incredible space vehicles and this week they go to work building detailed models of a range of crafts.

22nd January 2025 - This week in Space Club the children have enjoyed designing space crafts- that were out of this world !!! We are looking forward to next week, when we will bring our designs to life by building them out of Lego.

15th January 2025 - This week in Space club we have been learning about the ISS, and the jobs that astronauts on board do. Watch the International Space Station pass overhead! It is the third brightest object in the sky and easy to spot if you know when to look up. I have added some information above to help you spot the space station as it passes over Stoke-on Trent. Visible to the naked eye, the space station looks like a fast-moving plane, only flies much higher, and travels thousands of miles an hour faster!

8th January 2025 - During space club this week, we were looking at moon craters and investigating how they appear on the surface of the moon. To help the children have a better understanding, we made our own meteorites and took them outside and launched them into a plain of snow, imagining it was the moon’s surface, creating our own craters. Senna said “ I notice when I threw it at speed it made a bigger crater”
