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Transition and Induction

Transition and Induction into Nursery and Reception 


For children starting in our Nursery class, we offer places to children on either a full or part time basis in the Autumn term after they are 3 years old.  We admit our Nursery children through a staggered start.   You will be notified of the exact date and time for your child.  This enables a gradual introduction to our routines, which allows the children to settle in as quickly and smoothly as possible.   


All children in the Nursery are allocated a key person - you will be informed of who your child’s key person is and their role. 


For children who start in our Reception classes, they will start full time from their very first day. 


In the summer term prior to your child starting school, your child will be invited to stay and play sessions to come and meet their new friends and teachers, and spend some time in their new classroom.   The teaching staff will also share important information with you during a summer term information meeting.  


Items which are discussed include:  


  • The Induction Process 
  • Times and arrangements for bringing and collecting children, the daily routines. 
  • School uniform including PE kit 
  • Time to visit the EYFS setting, meet the staff and discuss any concerns 
  • Absence procedures and health issues 
  • Lunchtime arrangements, food and drinks provided for children. 


Transition meetings will also be arranged between practitioners for children who are attending pre-school settings.


Home visits will be arranged prior to your child starting school with our EYFS staff.   These sessions will provide a valuable opportunity for your child to meet their key person, and give you an opportunity to ask any questions or raise concerns you might have.   Most of all, it will underpin our ethos of working in partnership with you to deliver the best and most appropriate curriculum we can offer your child.  

