Curriculum Links
As part of being Physically Healthy we do a variety of things in school.
Our Physical Education learning has a key focus on being active. We also look at health as part of our Science and PSHE curriculum. Click on the blue links to check out our curriculum pages for more information:
Physical Education (PE Curriculum)
As part of our learning we look for opportunities to be active and outdoors - with forest schools taking place in our EYFS up to Standon Bowyers Residential in Year 6. Click on the blue links to find out more e.g.
Many of our extra curricular clubs promote opportunities to be active and also outdoors. Click on the blue link to check out our Extra Curricular Clubs
Some of our assemblies make links to being active as part of staying healthy and also our walk to schools agenda. In the autumn we had Sarah Grattage come into school as part of this and road safety. Click on the blue link to check out our SMSC Links
We also promote riding bikes through our Bikeability course that we run at school. Bikeability