Wow Learning and Field Work
At New Ford we plan Wow Days and fieldwork opportunities for each year group. Wow days help to enrich our children's learning experiences and bring Geography to life, providing all children with quality first hand experiences.
Wow days also provide opportunities within our topic to stimulate high quality writing that apply Literacy Skills in a cross curricular context. Geography fieldwork is carefully planned for to ensure all pupils are able to practise and apply their map and fieldwork skills in a practical context.
In addition to looking at the features of our local town, Smallthorne, Year 1 have been on a journey on our very own ‘ Naughty bus’ around Stoke-on-Trent.
They have been learning to spot the features of a city, town and village. We visited Smallthorne, Hanley, Newcastle and Penkhull, to name a few. We enjoyed identifying the features that we’ve been discussing in our Geography lessons, such as, churches, schools, shops, hairdressers, bus and train stations.
To embed their learning in a practical content Year 3 made their own rivers. They used tin foil to create the channel of the river and it's tributaries.
They added labels next the different parts of the river and they tested it by running water down it. Some pupils also used a lego man to record a micro journey of his journey down the river. There was lots of fantastic rivers vocabulary being used!
Year 3 visited the Wolesley Centre as part of their learning about rivers. The children had the opportunity to use fishing nets and identify water creatures that they found in the river. They also tested the temperature and PH levels of water and they sketched a picture of the flooded river bank. The children had a fantastic day!
Our pupils regularly take part in orienteering sessions in our school grounds in order to develop their map skills, sense of space and direction.
Our year 5 pupils walked to Holden Lane pools in order to sketch an example of the different woodland biome layers. They collected materials to be able to recreate the different layers of the woodland biome back at school. They used their sketches to compare what they saw to the rainforest biome they have been learning about.
The year 6 children demonstrated their understanding of our recent learning and past learning from our Geography lessons. Working in teams, children had to retrieve the clues to answer geography questions linked to the lines of latitude, longitude, the Equator, the Tropics, the Prime Meridian and also use their atlas skills to locate counties of the world. Each team had 25 clues to find and answer as quick as they could! Look at the photos below to see learning in action!